Stu Johnson
Stu Johnson

The Drivers Boosting Medtech Investments in Cloud-based Digital Transformation

By Stu Johnson

As with most industries experiencing steady growth, the medtech market faces several challenges, including supply chain issues, price inflation on materials and energy, labor shortages and increasing regulations. Adopting cloud-based digital solutions can help address these challenges. For companies investigating new solutions, the State of Manufacturing Technology survey can serve as a valuable benchmarking tool.

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Roger Lam
Roger Lam

5 Ways to Maximize the Security of Edge Medical Devices

By Roger Lam

Timely firmware updates are only one part of the hardware-related security equation. Whether it’s a hematology analyzer, CT scanner or any other networked medical device, the ability to withstand as well as recover from a malicious attack begins with the contract manufacturer that builds the embedded system. Here are five questions to ask your hardware integrator to be sure that your devices are equipped with maximum protection both before and after delivery.

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Harsha Rajasimha, Ph.D.
Harsha Rajasimha, Ph.D.

AI and the Lack of Diversity in Data: Implications and the Path Forward for Rare Disease Research

By MedTech Intelligence Staff

Genomics data scientist Harsha Rajasimha, Ph.D., Founder and Executive Chairman of IndoUSrare, highlights the risks of developing AI/ML algorithms based on biased data, as well as efforts underway to improve global collaboration on the collection and sharing of health data that may help us realize the potential of AI in diagnoses and treatment of rare diseases.

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