Tag Archives: Sustainability

Sustainable from Start to Finish

By Dr. Max Rehberger

The European Commission’s Green Deal sets specific sustainability targets across the EU, while policies like the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) of 2023 are setting standards domestically. TÜV SÜD explains how hospital operators and medical device manufacturers can position themselves sustainably in the market.

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Vishnu Kalra

Partnering to Support Sustainability in the OR

By MedTech Intelligence Staff
Vishnu Kalra

A recent study from Ethicon and the Cleveland Clinic outlined opportunities and barriers to better sustainability practices in operating rooms. We spoke with Vishnu Kalra, President, U.S. Ethicon, to learn more about the study’s findings, Ethicon’s efforts to develop more sustainable products and practices, and how other companies can get started.

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Urvashi Bhatnagar and Jeff Thompson

Sustainability: Lessons from the Frontlines of Health Care

Urvashi Bhatnagar and Jeff Thompson

Under the leadership of Jeff Thompson, MD, Gundersen Health System reduced its greenhouse gases by 95% and was nationally recognized for higher quality care and lower costs. Here Dr. Thompson and Urvashi Bhatnagar, DPT, MBA, author of The Sustainability Scorecard: How Firms can Implement and Profit from Unexpected Solutions, share the strategies and organizational mindset needed to advance sustainability in health care.

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