Reprocessed Medical Devices: Easing the Cost of Healthcare
The utilization of reprocessed medical devices can help cut down the increasing cost of healthcare for consumers while also tackling device shortages.
The utilization of reprocessed medical devices can help cut down the increasing cost of healthcare for consumers while also tackling device shortages.
The medtech regulatory environment in Europe has entered a new era. A Europe-wide medical device regulation has come into effect, presenting both challenges and opportunities for stakeholders in the sector.
As the pace of innovation further accelerates in 2021, and the need to get new devices to market intensifies, maintaining adherence to regulatory controls is not enough.
The key is to keep quality high and risk low.
Using the right strategy, remote patient monitoring turns episodic care into preventative care, potentially improving the patient experience and health outcomes.
To better understand the future of telehealth, it is important to understand what the costs look like over time and whether telehealth offers advantages in cutting healthcare costs overall.
A review of common risks and pitfalls of incorporating artificial intelligence in medical devices and an overview of the regulatory framework.
Robust trends are expected to power the global digital diabetes management market.
Digital health tools and technology have the potential to dramatically improve the patient care experience, but the shift requires purposeful coordination and planned architecture.
The CCDS system was used to decontaminate compatible N95 respirators for multiple re-use.