Healthcare Technology

More Cyberattacks in Healthcare, Yet Most MedTech Leaders Unprepared, Says Survey

By MedTech Intelligence Staff
Healthcare Technology

A mere 13% of IoMT leaders believe their organization is in a good place to mitigate future risks related to cybersecurity.

A recent survey sought to understand whether senior leaders involved in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) thought they were prepared to prevent a cyberattack. The results were not promising: 88% of medtech leaders in the United States said they didn’t think their company was prepared.

Irdeto’s new report, in collaboration with Censuswide,  identifies clear ways for health companies to improve customer and patient outcomes, make better data-driven decisions, increase trust, and generate more revenue. Download the whitepaper, The Business Value of Cybersecurity in MedTechParticipants in the survey, which was conducted by Irdeto, Censuswide and Guidepoint, were senior corporate and product executives at Fortune 1000 medical device manufacturers, digital and mobile health companies, and telehealth providers. They were asked about their current cybersecurity policies, their “hopes and fears” for connected health, along with solutions to vulnerabilities, risks and threats.

“Unfortunately, our survey found that only 13% of IoMT leaders believe their business is very prepared to mitigate future risks; while 70% believe that they are only somewhat prepared at best,” said Steeve Huin, chief marketing officer at Irdeto in a blog post about the findings. He added that 17% said their company was not prepared at all. “This is concerning when considering that 80% of our survey participants report having suffered at least one cyberattack in the past five years, and it is all but certain that they face at least dozens of additional threats on a daily basis. The breadth of attacks targeting IoMT companies is also problematic. Our survey revealed that organizations have fallen victim to several attack techniques, including ransomware, malware, phishing, spoofing and DDoS, with customer databases, employee information and even R&D platforms being exploited.”

The results also found that 80% of respondents think that regulatory compliance is the primary business benefit in implementing a strong cybersecurity strategy.

Read the full post about the survey results: 88% of MedTech Executives Not Prepared for a Cyberattack.

On Demand Webinar: Defend Against MedTech Cyber Breach: A Fireside Chat with Critical Healthcare Stakeholders

What is your role in keeping patients safe, securing data privacy, and reducing potential liability from cyber breach through the connected devices you prescribe, design, or distribute? Join security leaders from Partners Healthcare, GE Healthcare, Zipnosis, and Irdeto for a discussion of point-of-care-wide best practices and current technology solutions to defend against potential risks and dangers to your patients and your organization.


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MedTech Intelligence