Chris Loughnane, is an engineer at Farm

MEDdesign: Computer Vision In Early Stage Product Development

Chris Loughnane, is an engineer at Farm

Much of the information gathered during evaluation in the early stages of product development is necessarily qualitative. Some quantifiable questions remain: how much deviation is there in the angle at which different doctors hold a laprascopic device? How does the movement of someone wearing a brace compare to that of a healthy person? Questions such as these can be answered using computer vision.

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Ask the Engineer

Specification Requirements to Ensure Regulatory Compliance

By Julie Cameron

There has been a sharp increase in regulatory oversight in the medical device industry. If your manufacturing requirements aren’t specific enough, your contract manufacturer might unknowingly make a problematic substitution. Which requirements are most important for your product? This week’s Ask the Engineer addresses material types, critical features and measurement methods.

There has been a sharp increase in regulatory oversight in the medical device industry. If your manufacturing requirements aren’t specific enough, your contract manufacturer might unknowingly make a problematic substitution. Which requirements are most important for your product? This week’s Ask the Engineer addresses material types, critical features and measurement methods.

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Devine Guidance

MHLW MO 169 Chapter 2/Section 5 – Design and Development

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

Medical devices that are safe and effective are rooted in a robust design and it is impossible to design a medical device that is safe and effective, in its intended use, without the establishment of a well-documented design and development process.

Medical devices that are safe and effective are rooted in a robust design and it is impossible to design a medical device that is safe and effective, in its intended use, without the establishment of a well-documented design and development process.

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Devine Guidance

MHLW MO 169 Chapter 2/Section 5 – Product Realization

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

“Failing to properly plan is a plan for failure”—truer words could not have been written when it comes to the design and manufacture of medical devices that are safe and effective.

“Failing to properly plan is a plan for failure”—truer words could not have been written when it comes to the design and manufacture of medical devices that are safe and effective.

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