Jenna Wagner

Life Sciences Labeling for Patient Safety

By Jenna Wagner
Jenna Wagner

Life sciences companies have a lot of factors to consider when it comes to labeling. Understanding the global labeling regulations for patient safety and how enterprise labeling solutions can help companies achieve compliance while assuring speed to market, and labeling system validation and auditability, can save resources and reduce costly errors.

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Dror Kolodkin-Gal, Ph.D.

Improving Image Integrity in Clinical Research

By Dror Kolodkin-Gal, Ph.D.
Dror Kolodkin-Gal, Ph.D.

Including figures and images in clinical research enables researchers to illustrate their findings in a clear, effective and engaging way. Yet, it can be difficult to manually check images for accuracy, introducing the risk of integrity issues. Following we look at best practices and new tools developed to ensure image integrity in clinical research.

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Jennifer Kent

Empowering Patients Through RPM

By Jennifer Kent, Ph.D.
Jennifer Kent

Remote care in the home relies both on the quality of patient monitoring and on the insights provided to the care team. There is a real danger that data overload and alert fatigue will undermine otherwise well-designed remote patient monitoring (RPM) and Hospital at Home programs. The software platform and algorithms tasked with integrating and evaluating data must identify the data that matters, when it matters.

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