For private equity and venture capital investors alike, there are five key trends presenting both headwinds and tailwinds that may impact investment flows into 2022.
The industry association says the shortage has become a serious, industry-wide problem for companies involved in manufacturing medical technologies.
This article reviews real-world examples of product failures, presents reasons for these failures and provides potential solutions better governance, collaboration, and data gathering throughout the product lifecycle.
The market dynamics for telehealth and virtual care continue to evolve, and virtual care ecosystem players must understand how consumers have experienced these changes to better position themselves and design their solutions.
The talent behind a company’s solutions is its biggest competitive advantage. For many medtech companies, attracting candidates requires taking a fresh look at the recruiting and retention process.
Digital transformation is especially important to medical device manufacturers because they must have good quality data, and especially tracking metrics, to track complaints and device performance to comply with regulatory requirements. And these requirements are just getting stricter.
Growing pressure on the manufacturing industry from rising prices, new regulations and supply chain uncertainty have accelerated medtech’s digital transformation. COVID-19, in particular, has encouraged medical manufacturers to adopt more resilient and agile working practices. New technology can enable process changes and business strategies that help medical manufacturers become more flexible and responsive to changing…
As the country emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s time to evaluate and assess lessons learned and find any possible silver linings derived from the crisis. This includes telehealth and the use of remote technology.
This pioneering area of technology comes with new risks and questions of liability.
The industry struggles with various unknowns that impact efficiency, quality, and as a result, finances. This article reviews some of these challenges and how to overcome them.