FDA Revokes EUA for Battelle Decontamination System
The CCDS system was used to decontaminate compatible N95 respirators for multiple re-use.
The CCDS system was used to decontaminate compatible N95 respirators for multiple re-use.
Healthcare alliance group Premier discusses six issues that are at the forefront in the context of the 2020 election.
A Q&A with MedCrypt’s Axel Wirth sheds light on urgent problems that the medtech industry is facing regarding device security, but assures us that the sky is not falling.
All industries under the healthcare umbrella should embrace each other’s capabilities because no single category of player can master it and bring to consumers all that we need and demand, says Stephen Bernstein of McDermott Will & Emery.
In order to meet the worldwide need for faster and affordable testing processes, companies must shift goals and apply resources to ending this pandemic.
In general, the Asian markets have controlled the COVID-19 virus successfully outside of China, but its effect has still led to new developments and trends.
The medical device industry is pressured to aid those stricken by the pandemic, while at the same time working to mitigate increased risks usually associated with hurried manufacturing and quality control procedures.
The pace of innovation in the ICU is orders of magnitude slower than that of the cath lab and OR, and the COVID-19 crisis has pushed, tested, and exposed ICUs for lacking state-of-the-art technology and resources.
Medtech companies will need to collaborate more closely with other parties in healthcare, as the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic will have a comprehensive reach throughout the entire ecosystem. MTI speaks with Johnson & Johnson VP Raymond Fryrear, M.D. on the topic.
Augmented reality and extended reality will play a front-and-center role in patient care.