Can Technology be an Equalizer? Using Innovation to Tackle Healthcare Disparities
Combining imaging technology with artificial intelligence can help address both challenges in healthcare disparities as well as in patient care.
Combining imaging technology with artificial intelligence can help address both challenges in healthcare disparities as well as in patient care.
Fueled by the need to provide quality care during a global pandemic, healthcare stakeholders are acting quickly to identify new opportunities and overcome challenges.
As more healthcare activities take place from home, passive continuous monitoring solutions and new technology such as artificial intelligence will be critical to communications between providers and patients. In addition, new solutions that offer overnight monitoring will play a crucial role in helping to fill the gaps, particularly in assessing patient deterioration or changes in health conditions. The pandemic has forever changed the trajectory of healthcare and specifically virtual care.
The more healthcare professionals know about the benefits of digital health, the more they can leverage it to improve their patients’ experiences and remain resilient in an increasingly competitive space.
Electronic health records and mHealth solutions are two of the leading development areas in the medical domain, augmenting opportunities for the healthcare IT industry.
Increased access to care is a vital part of the vision to innovate the delivery of healthcare.
The challenge for the digital health community will be to bring the same high standards for care in the physical world to their digital interactions.
Monitoring patients through distributed technology will be key to restoring its health.
The IGNITE American Innovation Act aims to help small- and mid-sized businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the current operating environment there has been an increased need for healthcare training using patient simulators for students and practicing healthcare professionals.