Tag Archives: FDA

Build the Right Medical Device Recall Team

By Maria Fontanazza

From ensuring patient safety to protecting a company’s reputation, the product recall process starts with putting together the right team of qualified individuals.

From ensuring patient safety to protecting a company’s reputation, the product recall process starts with putting together the right team of qualified individuals.

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Devine Guidance

FDA Issues a Warning Letter with no Plant Inspection! What?

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

If your establishment is planning to introduce a medical device into commerce, it is incumbent upon the organization to correctly classify the medical device and obtain the appropriate clearance/approval before offering the finished device for sale or advertising on your establishment’s website. Failure to do so will end badly.

If your establishment is planning to introduce a medical device into commerce, it is incumbent upon the organization to correctly classify the medical device and obtain the appropriate clearance/approval before offering the finished device for sale or advertising on your establishment’s website. Failure to do so will end badly.

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

What About the Reports?

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine
Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International

If you work in the device industry in the United States and introduce FDA approved/cleared product into commerce in the United States, then it is incumbent upon the device establishment to play by FDA’s rules. Remember, if you are playing in FDA’s sandbox, then you must play by FDA’s rules.

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