EU MDR Strategy: How to Effectively Deploy Consultant Partnerships
Achieving EU MDR compliance is considerably challenging for many businesses, which is why they must be discerning when it comes to selecting suitable partners.
Achieving EU MDR compliance is considerably challenging for many businesses, which is why they must be discerning when it comes to selecting suitable partners.
Although the full impact of COVID-19 is uncertain, one sure thing is that industry continues to crave information to help them navigate EU MDR.
Companies can improve their chances for a successful transition by leveraging their knowledge of their medical devices and understanding what each device’s categorization under the MDR means to its testing strategy.
Although medical device manufacturers have more time to prepare due to the delayed EU MDR deadline, this shouldn’t distract from the extensive documentation they must compile in the meantime to prove their devices are compliant.
Investments in new processes and systems must satisfy the needs of the authorities and ensure patient safety and public confidence. Getting it right is likely to be expensive. but regulatory compliance shouldn’t be viewed purely as a cost center.
Simplifying the PMS process globally from end to end, can help medtech companies realize significant improvements across the board while keeping operating costs under control.
One ill-prepared EO can impact the entire supply chain.
A recap of a recent effort involving a small group of AIDC experts in devising a data integrity scheme suitable for protecting a new device identifier used in modern healthcare applications against mis-keying. It presents the group’s undertakings in researching solutions to ensure identifier integrity, the challenges encountered, and how a more complete understanding of the constraints of the intended application led to a departure from the initial design and resulted in the elegant solution that exists today.
Medical device companies are committing significant resources to the fight against Covid-19. Collaboration tools can help expedite product design while supporting evolving compliance standards.
Taking a bare-minimum approach to meeting the eIFU requirements of EU MDR could mean missing an opportunity to improve transparency in healthcare. Here’s how to use eIFU to provide stakeholders with greater confidence and clarity in medical devices.