Tag Archives: Celegence

Captis Ask the Expert

AI and Automation Tools: Medical Writers’ Point of View

By Celegence
Captis Ask the Expert

EU MDR and IVDR have created many new challenges for medical writing and regulatory affairs professionals. An increased workload, combined with the scarcity of expert resources, makes it essential to find innovative solutions that maintain efficiency and prevent burnout among highly skilled teams. How does use of technology help? AI-driven tools and automations enhance productivity,…

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Planes, trains, and device regulation – the fatigue of regulatory challenges: MTI REGULATORY REPORT 2024 (part 1)

By Rich West

MTI Regulatory Report 2024 data overwhelmingly suggests regulatory resources throughout the industry are being stretched. Time/Bandwidth is the top medical device regulatory challenge faced during 2024, potentially leading to industry-wide regulatory fatigue and driven by changing global compliance regulations in recent years.

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Smridula Hariharan

Ask the Expert: PMCF implementation under EU MDR

By MTI Marketing Staff
Smridula Hariharan

Smridula Hariharan leads a team of medical writers who work on CEPs, CERs, PMS Plan, Post-Market Surveillance Reports, Periodic Safety Update Reports, Post-Market Clinical Follow-up Plan and Reports, for devices spanning a wide range of therapeutic areas. Here, she shares secrets to cost-effective PMCF strategies in the dynamic landscape of the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

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510k Submission Planning

510k Submission Planning

By Joy Greidanus
510k Submission Planning

510(k) submissions have been a hot topic of late! Before you start your 510k submission make sure you’re aware of the pitfalls. Being responsible for writing and submitting a 510(k) can seem overwhelming – especially when tied to a scheduled product launch or marketing campaign driven by revenue goals. One of the most influential factors to a successful 510(k) submission is strategic planning.

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