Tag Archives: 21 CFR

Devine Guidance

Design Control

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

Adhering to a robust design and development process results in a quality medical device that is safe and effective. This installment examines general requirements, and design and development planning of Design Control.

Adhering to a robust design and development process results in a quality medical device that is safe and effective. This installment examines general requirements, and design and development planning of Design Control.

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

Personnel Training

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine
Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International

The FDA’s requirements for personnel are delineated within Section 820.25. In fact, Section 820.25 appears to be one of the more innocuous requirements and in the opinion of Dr. D, one of the most important. Can you say training, training, and more training? Regardless, compliance to the requirement is mandated by the regulation. That said, Dr. D would probably suffer from some compunction if I failed to cover all aspects of the regulations as part of this current series. As always, my goal is to enligh…

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

Quality Audits

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine
Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will evaluate the effectiveness of your internal quality audits and review the corrective actions pursued as part of the overall quality audit system. If a nefarious approach to executing quality audits is pursued, the reward will be a Form 483. If the FDA feels the violation is egregious, a warning letter will be forthcoming. In monopoly speak, “do not pass go and do not collect your two hundred dollars.” Warning letter violations As you can see by the abundance o…

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

Management Responsibility

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine
Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International

I begin this edition of Devine Guidance  (DG) by reinforcing the importance of DG Rule #1 – Compliance to regulations is not optional, compliance is mandatory and dictated by law. In my belief, management responsibility is what the doctor likes to call the “catch-all requirement.” What does that mean Dr. D? Simply put, if your organization fails to comply with any part of the QSR, rest assured, the reward will be in the form of a Form 483 for the specific transgression, by the agency. Additionally,…

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