Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

IVDD Article 17 – Wrongly-Affixed CE Marking

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

…Authority will come calling. Once that dreaded call is received from the Competent Authority, the device manufacturer must withdraw all products with the wrongly-affixed CE Mark ASAP! Until the next…

…Authority will come calling. Once that dreaded call is received from the Competent Authority, the device manufacturer must withdraw all products with the wrongly-affixed CE Mark ASAP! Until the next…

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John Magnus Roos, Ph.D., an in-house researcher at Ergonomidesign

Psychology in the Design of Medical Devices

By John Magnus Roos, Ph.D.

…satisfy everyone, because our personalities and emotions vary. Some people are open to new things while others are more conservative; some people are energetic while some are lazy. For some…

…satisfy everyone, because our personalities and emotions vary. Some people are open to new things while others are more conservative; some people are energetic while some are lazy. For some…

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

IVDD Article 16 – CE Marking

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

…device is marketed in, compliance with the IVDD, MDD, AIMDD, QSR, CMDCAS, TGA, etc. (enough acronyms for today) is not optional. Compliance to the laws regulating medical devices is mandatory….

…device is marketed in, compliance with the IVDD, MDD, AIMDD, QSR, CMDCAS, TGA, etc. (enough acronyms for today) is not optional. Compliance to the laws regulating medical devices is mandatory….

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

IVDD Article 15 – Notified Bodies

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

…authorized representative established in the Community, shall lay down, by common accord, the time limits for completion of the assessment and verification operations referred to in Annexes III to VII….

…authorized representative established in the Community, shall lay down, by common accord, the time limits for completion of the assessment and verification operations referred to in Annexes III to VII….

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

IVDD Article 14 – The Derogation Clause

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

…device in question. The good news is, regardless of the opinion rendered by the Commission, the Directive requires them to inform Member States of their actions and publish the measures…

…device in question. The good news is, regardless of the opinion rendered by the Commission, the Directive requires them to inform Member States of their actions and publish the measures…

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

IVDD – Article 13

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

for its decision. The Commission shall consult the interested parties and the Member States and, where the national measures are justified, adopt necessary Community measures. Those measures, designed to amend…

for its decision. The Commission shall consult the interested parties and the Member States and, where the national measures are justified, adopt necessary Community measures. Those measures, designed to amend…

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Paul Leonard is Director of Programs for product development consultancy Carbon Design Group

Drive Medical Device Success with Consumer Product Insights

By Paul Leonard

…consumer products companies will drive success for their businesses. Two forces are driving medical devices to become more like consumer products: patient use and physician expectations. Companies who deliver great…

…consumer products companies will drive success for their businesses. Two forces are driving medical devices to become more like consumer products: patient use and physician expectations. Companies who deliver great…

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James Rudolph, Senior Industrial Designer, Farm Design, Inc.

Effectively Selecting Ideation Methods for Medical Product Development

By James Rudolph

…with domain knowledge about the problem. Degree of structure: Some ideations methods provide more guidelines and/or processes. Research has shown that individuals new to group ideation perform better using more…

…with domain knowledge about the problem. Degree of structure: Some ideations methods provide more guidelines and/or processes. Research has shown that individuals new to group ideation perform better using more…

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

IVDD – Article 12

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dr. D would like to welcome the readers back from the Holiday break and hope each of you had a great start to the New Year. Speaking…

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dr. D would like to welcome the readers back from the Holiday break and hope each of you had a great start to the New Year. Speaking…

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Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine, President, Devine Guidance International
Devine Guidance

IVDD – Article 11

By Dr. Christopher Joseph Devine

…required to note the term “New” on any notification when a device is new to the EU. Who knew? The Competent Authorities will retain the right, for a two-year period,…

…required to note the term “New” on any notification when a device is new to the EU. Who knew? The Competent Authorities will retain the right, for a two-year period,…

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