Stringent REACH Standards Make Devices Safer in European Union

By Geoff Kirsner, Yue Yao, Roberta Goode

REACH, which stands for the Regulation, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, is a standard that was established by the European Union (EU) in 2007 but does not go into effect until 2018. Simply put, REACH immediately seeks to “limit or prohibit the use of toxic substances in products.”  According to an article written by…

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Maria Fontanazza, Editor-in-Chief,

Health Hazard Evaluations: Focus on Complaints and the Patient

By Maria Fontanazza
Maria Fontanazza, Editor-in-Chief,

When a product recall occurs, typically there are complaints that can be traced back to trending issues with the specific device.  During the process of assessing whether a correction or removal must take place, a company should be conducting a health hazard evaluation (HHE) to determine whether a violation has occurred. Several considerations come into…

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