Post-market surveillance
Post-market surveillance

Reliable Active Surveillance: RWE for MedTech

By Amelia Hufford, PhD, Phillip Stoltzfus

As regulatory bodies increasingly recognize the richness and value of RWE, particularly in informing the benefit-risk profile of devices from real-world environments, MedTech companies are turning to advanced analytical tools to navigate this new landscape efficiently.

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Smridula Hariharan
Smridula Hariharan

Ask the Expert: PMCF implementation under EU MDR

By MTI Marketing Staff

Smridula Hariharan leads a team of medical writers who work on CEPs, CERs, PMS Plan, Post-Market Surveillance Reports, Periodic Safety Update Reports, Post-Market Clinical Follow-up Plan and Reports, for devices spanning a wide range of therapeutic areas. Here, she shares secrets to cost-effective PMCF strategies in the dynamic landscape of the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

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