FDA Logo
FDA Logo

FDA Issues Three New Draft Guidances on the 510(k) Program

By MedTech Intelligence Staff

The FDA has issued three new draft guidances related to the 510(k) submissions program, including Best Practices for Selecting a Predicate Device, Use of Clinical Data in Premarket Notification and Evidentiary Expectations for Implant Devices. The agency is accepting comments and will host a webinar for stakeholders on October 26, 2023, to provide more information on the guidances.

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Christian Götz and Dr. Jara Brenke
Christian Götz and Dr. Jara Brenke

EU MDR Annex XVI Introduces New Burdens for Products Without an Intended Medical Purpose

By Christian Götz, Dr. Jara Brenke

Previous EU regulatory acts did not cover products without an intended medical purpose—typically devices with aesthetic indications. This now changes with Annex XVI of the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR). Notified Bodies can assess these products for their conformity with the regulation. However, responsibility for proactively pursuing the EU certificate of conformity for the products rests with the manufacturers.

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Dave Kerwar
Dave Kerwar

Bringing More Patients Home

By MedTech Intelligence Staff

Hospital at Home models are expanding capacity for overcrowded hospitals and emergency departments and providing comfort to a growing range of patients. Dave Kerwar, co-founder of Inbound Health, discusses the best candidates for hospital at home care and opportunities for MedTech providers to enhance this model of care, as payers and CMS look at long-term adoption.

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