Healthcare Technology
Healthcare Technology

The Role of EPSS in Prioritizing IoMT Security Threats

By Shankar Somasundaram

The Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) can help healthcare organizations prioritize security vulnerabilities, but it has limitations in IoMT environments. While EPSS provides valuable data-driven prioritization, it should be combined with other risk assessments, cybersecurity frameworks, and strategies to more comprehensively secure healthcare systems’ IoMT devices.

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Artificial Intelligence Graphic
Artificial Intelligence Graphic

Demystifying Regulatory Hurdles: How to Navigate FDA Approval for AI-Enabled Medical Devices

By Cory Hayes, Jeanna Blitz

Several alternatives exist to obtain FDA approval of artificial intelligence-enabled medical technology. Determining the best approach for a new device will require an awareness of each pathway’s specific requirements. An appreciation of the unique considerations for artificial intelligence-enabled technologies is another essential component of an efficient and effective application.

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Dhirti Roy
Dhirti Roy

Ask the Expert: What is Regulatory Excellence in the Medical Technology World?

By MTI Marketing Staff

Regulatory excellence is now considered a pathway to innovation and sustained business growth, making it a fundamental component of success in the medical devices industry. MedTech manufacturers are fostering a culture of regulatory excellence to enhance compliance with regulatory requirements and ensure product safety, efficacy, and quality in the global marketplace.

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