No Longer “Forever Chemicals”

By Dr. Christina Reufsteck

Because of the environmental and health risks that PFAS ─ per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances ─ pose, they are subject to a potential ban across the European Union. Such a ban would introduce a need for medical device manufacturers to identify and discontinue the sale of products containing PFAS, while also developing safe and effective alternatives. How will suppliers across the EU approach the impending shift away from these “forever chemicals”?

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MDIC Annual Public Forum
MDIC Annual Public Forum

APF 2024:
Shaping the Future of Real-World Evidence and AI in Healthcare

By Erica Freeze

The MDIC Annual Public Forum 2024 kicked off this week with experts from the National Evaluation System for health Technology (NEST), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the FDA. Topics included the future of real-world evidence (RWE) and the integration of AI into the healthcare ecosystem and how can we leverage emerging technologies to bring innovative and safer solutions to patients.

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Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials

Transitioning EU Clinical Trials:
Key Steps for Compliance by 2025

By Diede van Bladel

To streamline processes, enhance transparency, and improve the overall efficiency of conducting clinical trials in the EU/EEA, the 3-year transition period from the CTD to the CTR requirements was established. With the end of the transition period approaching, all ongoing clinical trials that were approved under the CTD will have to be fully be transitioned to comply with the CTR. Failure to comply by 2025 will bring serious consequences.

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