Trenholm Ninestein
Trenholm Ninestein

How Health Tech Can Combat the High Cost of Lifestyle Choices

By Trenholm Ninestein

We’ve all dabbled with apps that affect various parts of our health and wellness, but never in a holistic way. This is an opportunity for the tech sector to help patients drive better health outcomes and reduce overall healthcare costs by showing them how to embark on a path of wellness. It’s just a matter of pulling it together into the right user experience.

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CuePath Blister Pack
CuePath Blister Pack

Smart Solutions To Improve Patient Compliance

By Ken Piaggio, Vinay Gokhale

Numerous studies have explored the challenge of helping patients adhere to their medication regimens. One promising solution is “smart” medication blister packs with embedded sensors that enable caregivers to remotely monitor if—and when—doses are removed. But they can only be used if they are cyber-hardened against today’s dangerous and ever-evolving cybersecurity risks.

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