Alisa Chestler
Alisa Chestler

Overcoming Barriers to EHR Adoption in Behavioral Health

By MedTech Intelligence Staff

Behavioral health providers were excluded from the 2009 HITECH Act, which contributed to significant disparities in EHR adoption between mental and physical health providers. The Behavioral Health Information Technology (BHIT) Coordination Act could help remedy this, yet regulatory and societal barriers to full interoperability remain.

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Adrian Jennings
Adrian Jennings

Using RTLS To Improve Operational Efficiency

By Adrian Jennings

In leveraging the valuable insights delivered by real-time location systems (RTLS) technology, hospitals and healthcare facilities are able to undergo the kind operational overhaul they so desperately need, boosting ROI while simultaneously allowing for better working conditions for staff as well as more focused, immediate care for patients.

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