Human Factors Perspective: Safety Lessons Learned Using Injectable Devices

UL’s human factors engineering team has conducted usability tests of dozens of injection devices involving a cumulative total of more than 1,000 individual tests sessions. Test participants have included laypersons with widely varying demographic traits, as well as clinicians who train patients how to self-inject and/or to administer medication to a patient.

This extensive usability testing experience has taught us much about how to develop an injection device that enables people to inject medication safely and effectively.

Usability testing can help device companies develop a safer and more effective device (in this case, an injection device). Image courtesy of UL. (Click to enlarge)

Lesson 1: Apply Human Factors Engineering Throughout Development

To ensure device safety and effectiveness in the hands of the intended users, injection device manufacturers should invest in human factors engineering (HFE) to produce a truly user-friendly device. Meeting the HFE expectations and requirements set forth by regulators in many regions will be a necessary, parallel benefit.

Investing in HFE from an early stage of development helps ensure that an injection device matches users’ capabilities, needs and preferences. Predictable returns on an HFE investment include increased device intuitiveness, reduced chance of users committing potentially harmful use errors, and greater user satisfaction.

Major HFE activities include:

  1. Interviewing and observing intended users as a basis for formulating user interface requirements
  2. Analyzing how users interact with a device prototype to identify potential use errors and design mitigations
  3. Conducting usability tests to determine a preferred design concept, refine its injection device’s design, and ultimately validate that users can use it safely and effectively.

Lesson 2: Avoid These Specific Use Errors

Lesson 3: Minimize User Interactions

One way to avoid use errors is to minimize the number of steps users must perform during device use. Simply stated, eliminate and automate functions wherever possible unless doing so induces other errors or confusion about the device’s operation. For example, a developer could eliminate the need to prime an injection device, lockout its use after the expiration date, and automatically protect the needle after its use so that recapping is unnecessary.

Lesson 4: Provide Excellent Instructions

Lesson 5: Conduct Multiple Formative Usability Tests

Injection device manufacturers should conduct multiple formative usability tests before conducting a human factors validation test. Such tests should include the full array of intended users—this might include representative patients, caregivers and clinicians. Within these three sample groups, there might be sub-grouping based on age, receipt of training to use the injection device, and degree of past experience performing injections. We assert that conducting preliminary usability tests are the best way to identify an injection device’s strengths and opportunities for improvement and, when iterated with design, improve a device’s interaction quality. In lieu of preliminary tests, manufacturers almost always discover a “showstopper” during a validation test that costs considerable time and money to remediate.


Manufacturers are well served to apply HFE early and throughout the injection device development process. They can expect to produce a device that is demonstrably safe and effective from a user interaction perspective. Such devices are more likely to obtain clearance for sale on the first try because manufacturers can present regulators will compelling evidence that their device can be used safely and effectively by the intended users.

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