Trends to Watch For in Medical Device Industry
Access to recently developed materials, new technological deliveries and access to new markets are only a few of the trends that have affected changes in the medical device market and industry.
Access to recently developed materials, new technological deliveries and access to new markets are only a few of the trends that have affected changes in the medical device market and industry.
In this interview Brian Williams, Director, Healthcare Strategy and Innovation at PwC, talks about the impact of med-tech trends such as outcomes based reimbursement, lessons learned in emerging markets, and impact of the device tax.
A good understanding of and appreciation for Asian cultural traits is essential to building strong relationships with Asian executives. Business in Asia will be more likely to thrive if a Western medical device executive is able to overcome these challenges.
Welcome to the newest Medical Device Summit blog, “ Ameing for Asia .” This week’s inaugural blog lists 7 key reasons for Western medical device companies to enter and/or increase their presence in the Asian markets.
Reform of the Japanese mixed medical treatment system should lead to increased opportunities for Western medical companies in Asia’s largest healthcare market.
In order to compete globally, companies must be proactive in their business plans and anticipate the challenges they may face, concur three med-tech executives.
As India’s cancer burden grows, the Indian cancer diagnostic and treatment market offers many opportunities for Western medical device companies that make such products. To succeed, Western companies need to develop their strategies in India carefully.